◉ローカルリユース 空き家や廃材を使った建物を使用しゼロウェイストへ
◉環境への負荷がかからないようにナチュラル クリーニングを心がけております。
◉お食事で使用する食器類は、主に、釉薬などに自然素材を使用している地域の作家さんによる器やフェアトレード 、伝統工芸品など、一つ一つ大切にセレクト。
◉1階には、ゼロウェイスト&エシカル ショップを設けています。
伝統工芸品、フェアトレード & オーガニックなアイテムを厳選し販売中です。
◉館内の共有スペースでご提供しているフリードリンク類も、オーガニック、フェアトレード 、地域の玄米茶などから厳選しご提供しております。使用する飲み水は、地域の湧水を使用しています。
またこちらの洗濯は、地元の社会福祉法人「愛生会」さんのランドリーサービス"Bio Bento’s Laundry Service"で洗濯代行をお願いしております。こちらは就労継続支援B型事業所として事業をおこなっており、障害者の方など、一般企業で働く前に、就労に馴れることを目的とした施設でもあります。
What we cherish everyday.
Sustainability for harmony between nature and people.
◉Local Reuse Using vacant facilities and salvaged materials. Towards zero waste.
Our inn has been renovated while retaining the Showa era features such as beams, floorboards, windows, and walls from the former Ryokan era. Although it is an old building, we are continuously improving it by gradually adding insulation to make it a more comfortable space. The interior of the rooms had uses natural materials such as plaster and diatomaceous earth. Part of the interior design incorporates local red rosewood, plants, stones, etc., creating a space where you can feel the energy of this area to the fullest during your stay.
◉In order to reduce food waste, reservations are required for meals.
The food scraps from cooking and dinning are turned into compost for the fields.
◉We use natural cleaning methods to avoid placing any burden on the environment.
Only natural materials such as hot spring water, baking soda, and citric acid are used to clean the facility. We are careful about daily cleaning to avoid putting a burden on local water sources and ecosystems when discharging wastewater. When washing dishes, we use eco-scrubbing scrubbers such as 100% cotton cloths and organic detergents that decompose naturally.
◉All amenities are made from natural and environmentally friendly products.
Fair trade products and traditional crafts are used for all items in the facility, including footwear and baskets. Please feel the comfort of carefully crafted products during your stay.
◉The tableware used for meals has been carefully selected, including dishes made by local artists that use glazes made from natural materials, fair trade products, and traditional crafts. We also reuse the utensils that were used during the former Ryokan era.
◉There is a zero waste and ethical shop inside our inn.
We sell by weight such as eco scrubbing brushes that do not generate microplastics and organic detergents that decompose naturally. We offer a variety of items that allow you to incorporate sustainability into your daily life. We are selling carefully selected traditional crafts, fair trade & organic items.
◉Electricity is supplied from a hydroelectric power plant near the inn.
In winter, a wood stove is used to heat the inside of the building. Firewood is made from thinned wood from this land, resulting in local production and local consumption of energy. In addition, we are closed during the winter months of January and February, when energy is used the most.
◉The free drinks offered in the common spaces are also carefully selected from organic, fair trade, and regional brown rice tea.
The drinking water used is local spring water.
◉The hot springs are fed directly from the source. We use local resources with care.
◉All bedding sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers, towels, etc. are made from 100% organic cotton.
We also ask a local social welfare corporation to do the laundry. This facility operates as an employment support office, and is also a facility for people with disabilities and others to receive employment training before working in general companies.
Sustainability of mind and body
◉As a retreat-style inn, we have a library room and tatami mat space where you can relax.
The hot springs are fed directly from the source and are reserved for private use, so you can relax and take a bath whenever you like.
◉Stunning works by various artists are scattered throughout the inn. Please enjoy your stay while feeling the heartfelt arts.
◉We also offer retreat plans such as Reiki healing and body massage from our affiliated salon "awayui".
Reservations are required. Please feel free to contact us.
◉All of our meals are plant-based and handmade, emphasizing slogans such as "地産地消"、"身土不二"、"一物全体" meaning consumption of local seasonal foods for one's body, indivisibility of the body and the land and taking whole food. All products are free of animal ingredients and do not contain eggs, milk, gelatin, honey, etc.
Plant-based meals are sustainable, environmentally friendly, animal welfare friendly, and less stressful on the body, leading to harmony between body and mind.
In addition, we do not use refined white sugar, chemical seasonings, or artificial food additives, but instead use traditional handmade seasonings and fermented ingredients that are rooted in this area.
We use local spring water, wildflowers, and wild plants. As much as possible, we connect directly with local farmers to choose organically grown ingredients that are environmentally friendly. We are working hard every day to research how to improve your mind and body through eating.
◉We will be closed for at least three days every week for maintenance.
Thoughts on Jomon and sustainability
The Jomon period is said to be an "ideal sustainable society'' where there was no war for over 10,000 years, there was a high level of spirituality, coexistence with nature, and a peaceful and prosperous era.
The Jomon people's high level of spirituality led to a sustainable way of life, where they valued nature, had no hierarchical society, had flat relationships, and continued to help each other.
In this day and age, We feel that reaffirming the wonderful cultural heritage that has been forgotten will lead the world in a better direction.
For a long time, in the era of economy-centered capitalism, technology progressed and many good things happened. However, on the other hand, it has put a strain on nature, and caused disharmony such as the gap between rich and poor and inequality between countries and people.
In order to welcome the next era in harmony, we need to find what we can do and take action.While recognizing the beauty of this era, we must also learn from the spirituality and wisdom of the Jomon period. The concept of yuzaka is to cherish the "森羅万象", all things in the universe, and we are hoping about connecting it to as much happiness as possible.